Monday, July 21, 2014

Project Iron Man : On His Feet

It is almost done! I tried to make it stand up with pipes, but I failed. So I bought a mannequin. Now it looks awesome!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Project : Iron Man Test

I decided to test my armor. It was difficult to wear it but I did it!

It looks so cool! But it is very difficult to walk in it. I felt down while walking :(

Some pieces got destroyed but I will fix them again.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Project Iron Man : Helmet Done!

It was very difficult but I finally did it! After 5 tries I made an Iron Man helmet and it is so cool!

Iron Man selfie!

I hope I can finish this armor this week!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Project Iron Man : Helmet

Aaaaand finally I have started to coolest part of the costume. I cut the pieces and it will be challenging because I tried to make this helmet 5 times but I failed everytime. I used wrong material but now I have the perfect material so I will be successful this time!