Monday, July 6, 2015

Project Iron Man Bust: Oh No!!

          Few days ago, in the silence of the night, while I was sleeping, I heard a noise. It was like something heavy falling on the ground. I was like "Good, only thing I need is a burglar. Wait, I am in 5th floor so it cannot be a burglar.". I went to the room near me, the room which I keep my projects. Things I saw in that room broke my heart. It was my latest creation! On the ground! Broken!

          Helmet part was really heavy and I was really impatient to finish the project so I didn't calculate anything. I should have calculated the weight distribution, angle of the pipe, weight of the box which supports the bust etc.

          It was obvious something like that was going to happen because the bust wasn't standing straight. It was leaning on the right side. I was hoping noting bad will happen but a bad thing happened. On the bright side, damage on the helmet is minor. It can be easily fixed.

          I have other plans for this helmet. I will post it soon when I am done with it.