Saturday, May 13, 2017


     It's been a long time since I posted something here. I have major projects in my mind but I can't work on them because I am incredibly busy nowadays. I managed to find a little time to create new wallpapers.

(Those figures do not belong to me :(... )

     Green Goblin and Hobgoblin caused a lot of trouble to Spidey. I decided to give it a try and draw those crazy laughing and flying villians. 

     First I drew a sketch on the paper. I marked the polygons and send those drawings to my computer. 

After redrawing them in a vector drawing software, here are the results: 

     I really really liked the Green Goblin one. It's currently my favourite drawing. I think colors matched perfectly. 

I already started to think what should I draw next!

Friday, February 10, 2017

My First Game Released!

    Besides from making helmets and drawings, I am developing mobile games in my free time. After a long development period, finally I released my first game Fin

You can download the game from HERE!

You can also check my other blog about game development from here.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Spider Man & Carnage Wallpapers

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Recently I got bored again and decided to draw one of my favourite villians of all time and one of my favourite superheros. I used to same drawing style I used in one of my previous posts

I drew the sketch of their portrait first.

After re-drawing them on Inkscape, I got these as result: 

I am starting to get better at this! Maybe Venom is next. We will see.