Tuesday, September 15, 2015

NEW PROJECT : Iron Man Mark 33

    I got bored and decided to start something from scratch. There are almost 45 different Iron Man armors in cinematic universe so I decided to pick one and start building it. Here is Mark 33!

    I like its colors. Red and silver. It has different design than other armors. I started from its arm. 

    Not bad! I will continue working on arm. I have a crazy idea, I will reveal it soon! 

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Project Iron Man : Fixed?

    After tragic accident have happened to Iron Man bust, I decided to combine it with my full body costume. And it looked like that :

    Something was wrong with it. I mean... it looked weird! His neck was too long and I was really lazy to fix it. I am not talking about his hands because he doesn't have hands! But I accepted it that way and left it in my room.

    Couple of days later, I came home and went to my room. I saw a heart breaking scene! One of his leg was broken!!! It was laying on the couch! (I was pissed and forgot to take a picture). I quickly fixed it and now it is standing in my room just like the old times.

    I have some new ideas and I will show them in following days!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Project Iron Man Bust: Oh No!!

          Few days ago, in the silence of the night, while I was sleeping, I heard a noise. It was like something heavy falling on the ground. I was like "Good, only thing I need is a burglar. Wait, I am in 5th floor so it cannot be a burglar.". I went to the room near me, the room which I keep my projects. Things I saw in that room broke my heart. It was my latest creation! On the ground! Broken!

          Helmet part was really heavy and I was really impatient to finish the project so I didn't calculate anything. I should have calculated the weight distribution, angle of the pipe, weight of the box which supports the bust etc.

          It was obvious something like that was going to happen because the bust wasn't standing straight. It was leaning on the right side. I was hoping noting bad will happen but a bad thing happened. On the bright side, damage on the helmet is minor. It can be easily fixed.

          I have other plans for this helmet. I will post it soon when I am done with it.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Project Iron Man Bust: Done

    It's a really busy year for me! It takes months to complete a project but finally I have finished my latest project! 

    That bust needs something to stand on. While I was eating pizza, I was thinking about that problem. After finishing last slice of delicious pizza, I said "Hey, I can use that pizza box!". And I cut it.

    I placed some heavy stuff inside it to keep the balance of bust. Next, I needed something like a mannequin head. I didn't want to go outside and find one so I decided to make it myself.

    I wrapped my head with plastic (It wasn't a nice experience, do not try this). After some paniful processes, I managed to get shape of my head! 


    I quickly made a neck part : 

    And the chest part :

    At last: painting! I made a small change while painting. I decided to convert chest part to triangle instead of circle.  

Here it is!

Let's compare it with my first helmet:

And of course, a helmet project can not be done without a selfie.

    Not bad! I would have asked "What should I do next?" but since nobody comments, I think I have to find something on my own again *cries*.  

Monday, February 9, 2015

Project Iron Man Bust

     I handled the most difficult part of the project. I covered the helmet with that material.

After a lot of sanding :

It looks cool with that faceplate up.

What a mess!

    Since I don't have a workshop, I have to make my projects in my room. It took few hours to clean up my room. But now the fun part starts: Painting!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

New Project : Iron Man Bust!

    It's been a long time since I posted something. Last couple of weeks, I started a new project. My first iron man looked so bad because I just made it from cardboard and painted it. Now, I will cover it with some material just like I did on Portal gun.

    I cut all pieces :

    After sticking it together, result is perfect! Differences can be seen better now. New helmet looks more smooth, much better. 

    Now I will cover it with that material ( I don't know meaning of it in English, I guess it's plaster.) and it will look awesome!