Saturday, April 18, 2015

Project Iron Man Bust: Done

    It's a really busy year for me! It takes months to complete a project but finally I have finished my latest project! 

    That bust needs something to stand on. While I was eating pizza, I was thinking about that problem. After finishing last slice of delicious pizza, I said "Hey, I can use that pizza box!". And I cut it.

    I placed some heavy stuff inside it to keep the balance of bust. Next, I needed something like a mannequin head. I didn't want to go outside and find one so I decided to make it myself.

    I wrapped my head with plastic (It wasn't a nice experience, do not try this). After some paniful processes, I managed to get shape of my head! 


    I quickly made a neck part : 

    And the chest part :

    At last: painting! I made a small change while painting. I decided to convert chest part to triangle instead of circle.  

Here it is!

Let's compare it with my first helmet:

And of course, a helmet project can not be done without a selfie.

    Not bad! I would have asked "What should I do next?" but since nobody comments, I think I have to find something on my own again *cries*.