Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Project Stormtrooper: DONE

    Stormtrooper helmet consists of 2 colors so I had to mask one while painting the other color. Firstly I painted the whole helmet to white. It dried and I covered the parts which are supposed to stay white.

Let's add some black paint to it. It looks kinda scary now.

Peel the plactic and feel the success!


Looks cool isn't it!

    For eyes; I cut a piece of transparent plactic and glued a thin black fabric on it. It looks awesome from the outside but there is a problem: YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING WHEN YOU WEAR THE HELMET. You need to trust the Force and find your path without seeing anything. 

May the force be with you! 
(Sounds silly when a stormtrooper says it)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Project Stormtrooper: Almost Done

    After painful hours of covering with plaster and sanding, it is smooth and ready for paint! 

    Of course I couldn't resist wearing it. It's kinda large but that's how it's designed. It's also large in the movie so I have no problem here. 

Coming next: Painting!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Project: First Order Stormtrooper

    New design of Stormtroopers is awesome. I really like the simplicity of the helmet. It's black & white, nothing more. Simple and iconic. So I decided to give it a shot.

    As usual, I cut the pieces and glued the cardboard piece by piece.

It looks great. Because of it's large pieces, it was easier to assemble than my latest War Machine helmet.


    Now the most difficult part starts. It will take some time for me to complete it. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Iron Man & Captain America Wallpapers

    I got bored and decided to do something unusual which is POLYGON DRAWING! Well, I guess that's what people call this style, I am not sure. Previously I mentioned how I love 90s Iron Man cartoon. That version of Iron Man was badass so I decided to draw it.

That's how he looks in the cartoon:

    I also decided to draw Captain America. After half an hour later:

    Later I added some magic on those drawings. Here are the final versions:

They are perfect wallpapers for phone lock-screen. I am currently using Iron Man one and it is satisfying to use your own drawing as wallpaper!

If you like them feel free to use! If anyone has any suggestions, I can draw them next with the same technique.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

War Machine Helmet: DONE!

    That's it. It's done. Most difficult helmet I have ever made. It took so many days but here it is!

    This is the original colors of War Machine from Marvel movies. It's dark and badass. I like it buuuut....

    I really like the color theme of War Machine from Iron Man cartoon which was aired in 90s. This cartoon has a huge part in my childhood. So I decided to honor it. 

    I applied the old color combination to my War Machine helmet. I think it looks pretty cool.

    I really enjoyed using a custom color combination. It is a unique helmet now. Maybe I will paint my upcoming projects with colors I choose. We will see it!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

War Machine Helmet: Almost Done

    It's almost done! Hard part is over. Fun part starts: Painting! 

    I have painted the faceplate. I will paint the main part soon.

     I will do something unusual this time. I won't stick with the original color scheme of War Machine. I will paint it to a different color. We will see how it will look. I hope it won't suck.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Kylo Ren Mask: DONE!

    Another difficult project has ended. Kylo Ren helmet is done! It was extremely difficult to paint it because of the stripes on its forehead but I managed to finish it.

Most difficult part of the helmet: Painting! It took 2 hours to completely paint it.

And here is the final result! 

Only one thing remained: Finding a fabric to create the hood part. I will take care of it soon.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

New Project: Kylo Ren Helmet

    Newest villian of Star Wars universe, Darth Vader's grandson and a cool helmet. That's what Kylo Ren is. Cool helmet part got my attention and I started to build it! I found a detailed model file and started to work on it. 

It looks scary, isn't it? Too many pieces and details! After painful hours, I managed to stick them together: 

    Not bad! It looks like Kylo Ren. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

War Machine Helmet

    Okay, I am going to be honest. This was the most difficult helmet I have ever made. It was extremely detailed. Working with small detailes was really painful but I managed to handle it. It looks really nice. This is just the beginning, I need to work on it a lot. 

Thursday, March 10, 2016

New Project: War Machine Helmet

    I was thinking that what should I do next? I said "I have an Iron Man so why not a War Machine?". Of course I won't build the whole suit, I am not that crazy (yet). I will only build the helmet. 

    Let's face it: War Machine looks badass. I mean, look at it!

    I want one! So I found an extremely detailed 3D model and I started to build it.

    It started to look like War Machine. To be honest, that was the most difficult armor part I have ever built. There are incredibly small details and of course it is not possible to build something without errors. Some pieces caused a lot of problems but I overcame them because I am awesome. I will complete it soon! 

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Iron Man Pencil Box: DONE

    Here it is; Iron Man Pencil Box! Probably this is the most useful thing I have ever made with cardboard (life-size helmets are cool but they just sit in my room and do nothing).

    I made a research and didn't find anything similar to that so if you are going to make pencil box like that, you have to reference me or I will sue you because of idea stealing! (Yes, I will do it)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Mini Project: Iron Man Pencil Box

    I have so many pencils but I don't have a nice pencil box. While thinking I said "Hey, I should scale down the Iron Man helmet, put a hole on it and use it as pencil box". I have no idea how I came up with this project but I started to do it!

    It looks so cute. Mini Iron Man. To be honest, it was way more difficult than making 1:1 helmet because of it's really small details. 

    After going through some processes, I painted it red and only gold part is waiting to get painted. I will finish it soon!