Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Project Stormtrooper: DONE

    Stormtrooper helmet consists of 2 colors so I had to mask one while painting the other color. Firstly I painted the whole helmet to white. It dried and I covered the parts which are supposed to stay white.

Let's add some black paint to it. It looks kinda scary now.

Peel the plactic and feel the success!


Looks cool isn't it!

    For eyes; I cut a piece of transparent plactic and glued a thin black fabric on it. It looks awesome from the outside but there is a problem: YOU CAN'T SEE ANYTHING WHEN YOU WEAR THE HELMET. You need to trust the Force and find your path without seeing anything. 

May the force be with you! 
(Sounds silly when a stormtrooper says it)